Could be the cause if: You often feel tired; you’ve lost weight for no apparent reason; you are suffering from abdominal pain. Coeliac disease is an adverse reaction to gluten, which is found in wheat, barley and rye and all foods containing them – everything from pasta and bread to pies and some gravies and sauces.It is an autoimmune condition where the body mistakes substances in gluten for a threat and attacks them, leading to damage to the surface of the small bowel, which then affects your ability to absorb nutrients from food.It used to be mainly diagnosed in children, but it’s now known people can go undiagnosed into middle age. If you have these symptoms, see your doctor and ask to have a blood test for coeliac disease. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence guidelines state that anyone with bloating and other IBS-type symptoms should be tested for it. If you’re diagnosed, you’ll feel better once you start avoiding all foods containing gluten.
For more information about it visit www.coeliac.org.uk.
I have something to say, hmmmmmmm, I have something to say.... Listen! Listen pay full attention for I have something to say...... Ehennnnnn so let me land. When I dropped my first note this year " Same wish-list as every year" it was focused on the unmarried young lady and this led me straight to my next thoughts which i'm about to share with you. You know I always like to look at the flip side of every story, so my focus is undoubtedly focused on the unmarried brothers. When I write I draw my inspiration/findings from real life everyday people and experiences that everyone can relate with, it doesn't necessarily have to be about me but I clearly like to state my opinion on life issues as I see or perceive them. *wink* Now Prince charming got it all working for him, a good family, a great job, a nice apartment, may or may not have a car, perfect gentle man, ladies man, and goes to church at le ast every sunday. He's mature and respectful, he's always...
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