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Showing posts from April, 2015


“I sincerely lay no claims to being more knowledgeable than anyone, for these are merely my perceptions about life and they are opened to debate and criticisms -please feel free to anytime. However I do believe I know better than I knew yesterday and many years before. The sincere purpose is to be able to bless someone out there for knowledge is tyrannical unless it is shared. Enjoy! So I’ve been going round and round in circles trying to find a way to coherently put my thoughts into writing without sounding gibberish and silly and I think I have eventually found a break through. But first, let me apologize in advance in case you find this note offensive or demeaning. I just think that there are some things that need to be addressed and perhaps corrected, otherwise how else can we grow? When we talk about the Independent woman, we talk about a woman who can literally provide for herself. She can totally take care of herself, not just herself, everyone around her, which makes it s

Sincerely Q:Going and Coming, Abi?”

“I sincerely lay no claims to being more knowledgeable than anyone, for these are merely my perceptions about life and they are opened to debate and criticisms -please feel free to anytime. However I do believe I know better than I knew yesterday and many years before. The sincere purpose is to be able to bless someone out there for knowledge is tyrannical unless it is shared. Enjoy!” So I was just getting into my apartment when I heard my phone ring. I have this ridiculously big black handbag that is so humongous that even a human head can get lost inside of it. Why we women carry such things is what I myself cannot understand. Come and see the way I was savagely searching for my phone inside the bag eh….I literally had to take out almost all the content inside it to finally pull out the phone but by then I had missed the call like twice. Anyway, when it rang again, I picked the call almost immediately, ignoring the fact that I didn’t recognize the number on the caller id. “Hel

MFMC: Glowing Beauty

Beauty they say is in the eyes of the beholder and you are the first beholder before anyone else. You must learn to appreciate and care for yourself. A perfect glowing beauty is the combination of bright eyes, clean white teeth and a glowing skin.  Here's my week's favourite makeover collection. I like it, I hope you do too.