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As Cinderilla approached the alter, only one figure caught her attention, it was the glow of her Knight In Shining Armour. And as she walks toward him she remembered that blessed day they had first met; how he actually got a bruise on his elbow while trying to hold her back from tripping down the stairs as the heels of her shoe got hooked to something. On another occasion when she was very sick he had to take the week off from work just to be there for her. He prepared her dishes and took over all her house chores. She remembered every sweet moment right from their first meeting to the day he got on one knee at the restaurant with a beautiful ring asking her to marry him. He had indeed been the definition of Prince Charming. Tears of joy overwhelmed her as she walked up to him at the alter because she believed it will indeed be a life of bliss forever with him. Looking back on that graceful wedding day, it's hardly past a hundred days before this tears now rolling down her cheeks, her first tears of sorrow.
Today's post is another finding of my research on why the romance in a young marriage is short lived. I discovered that Prince Charming too quickly looses his charm -the very trick that swept Cinderilla off her feet. Women by nature are dreamers and they leave in an unrealistic world. When you were courting her you took a trip into her fantasy world. This explains why you picked up flowers for her when you visited her back then and she was excited to recieve them. But surely you would be dumb-founded if she had picked up flowers for you, because in your world, flowers dont make any sense. Do you remember all the 'stupid' things you did just to make her smile and laugh during   courtship? Those are the exact things she expects you to keep on doing; that's what she understood by 'marriage' when you asked her to marry you. When you had a date with her at that time, you would do everything possible to keep the date and even meet up on time; you would think of something to buy on your way to her house that will make her happy; you would open the door of the car and also pull the dinning chair for her. You would hold her hands when you walk on the streets and do all those crazy things then, but why do you have to stop after she moves in with you in marriage.
The maths is easy, if you won her on that account, then it is expected that you would have to keep her on that account. There is no need to ask her to wake up from her fantasy world because that's how she was designed by nature to behave. No matter how smart and intelligent a lady is, her brain stops functioning in the presence of her husband and you as the husband must realize this because your own happiness depends on this understanding. To prove this, you can reflect on how happy you were during courtship when you where doing all those 'senseless things'. Little wonder you too have lost the savour of marriage since you decided that she must wake up from her fantasy world.
(to be cont..... tomorrow,  keep a date with me)


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